Metrolinx COVID-19 Safety
HL - As Metrolinx takes action on safety on the GO Transit system, a call to transit customers to do their part
SH – Don’t stop us if you’ve heard this before – the many measures Metrolinx is taking to keep everyone safe while travelling during a pandemic. Especially at a time when more and more people are returning to transit. But so much comes down to you – the customer. In this story, we tell you what we need you to do to keep everyone moving in a healthy way. And ask some important questions.
Body - The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health crisis like many of us haven’t experienced before. No doubt it’s already changing the way you move around.
As Ontario loosens its restrictions and travel ramps up, here at Metrolinx, one of Canada’s largest transit agencies, we’re adapting to changes too. We need your help as we plan and deliver post-COVID GO Transit and UP Express services. Are you in?
Don’t worry, you can still nap or put the finishing touches on your master’s degree during your commute (link to existing piece).
We’ve heard some people are nervous about returning to public spaces. We get it. But you can rest assured your health and safety has always been our first priority.
Safety never stops.
Though life feels different, what hasn’t changed is our commitment to your safety. Our agency’s motto is “Everyone home safe, every day.” COVID simply adds another dimension to making safety central to our business.
As places reopen and we start to see more of you again, we’re committed to doing everything we can to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Our Incident Command Team, made up of the most senior and experienced safety leaders in the industry, has been busy developing and implementing a strategy since January — six months ago. Can you believe it’s been six months?
When the province released its Public Transit Safety Guidance, we were happy to see many of the guidelines were among the 40 new measures the team already put in place. Talk about getting a head start.
What we’re doing to keep you safer.
In case you haven’t had a chance to keep up — between balancing work-from-home demands and keeping the kids busy — here’s what we’re doing to keep you safer:
1. Wearing our face coverings to reduce the transmission of COVID-19
We always follow the advice of our go-to expert: Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams. For this reason, we all wear a cloth face covering when we report to work, whether it’s at a station or in an office. Don’t worry, you can still tell we’re smiling. You might notice some people wearing face shields and gloves, too.
Here’s where we need your help: We can’t wait to see you. But will you stay home if you’re not feeling well, have travelled outside the country within the last 14 days, and/or have had close contact with someone who’s tested positive for COVID-19? Don’t worry, we won’t take it personally.
When you do ride transit, public health officials strongly recommend you wear a face covering — a cloth mask, bandana, or scarf — because physical distancing may not always be possible.
2. Promoting and supporting physical distancing
After staying home for the reasons listed above, Dr. Williams continues to remind us that physical distancing is the best protective measure. Because we know it takes time to adopt new behaviours and develop new habits, we’ve posted reminders for better physical distancing and crowd control.
Here’s where we need your help: We like you, we really do. But will you keep the recommended two-metre (six foot) distance when space allows? Inside vehicles, where other travellers are naturally nearby, remember to wear that very important face covering, as well as practice proper hygiene etiquette, including sneezing into the crook of your elbow, washing your hands – often – not crowding the doors and allowing time to get on and off without rushing yourself and others. A big part of what we’re asking of everyone is a bit more patience, so we all get it right.
3. Enhancing cleaning and disinfecting
We upped cleaning of work sites, stations, trains and buses. High-traffic touch points like door handles, handrails, fare devices and countertops are being wiped down regularly. We were already cleaning trains and buses every 24 hours, but now we’ve added mid-day cleaning. Now, if only we could convince our families to do the same.
Here’s where we need your help: We’re all practicing good hand hygiene and singing “Happy Birthday,” right? Humming the “Happy Birthday” song to yourself twice roughly equals the length of hand-washing time recommended by experts.
Can’t scrub up along your journey? Will you use our hand sanitizer? Dispensers are available in all stations and buses, and are coming to all trains this summer.
4. Managing services in real-time
Even though our ridership continues to be lower than normal, we’re still running many of our regular services.
We believe the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is essential to our shared success. We’re keeping a close eye on ridership levels; managing services in real-time. We’re ramping up train and bus trips as needed to help reduce crowding. Our command centre is busy!
Here’s where we need your help: On occasion, schedule changes may require your patience and cooperation as we work to keep you and your fellow passengers safe. We’re trying our best to get this right for everyone. And if you don’t have to travel in rush hour, that would be great for you and for us, too. Just a little more space for everyone.
5. Ongoing communications
Keeping you in the loop has always been important. Now you can expect more health and safety advice—onboard announcements, On the GO alerts, station posters and on social media.
You can also read about our latest updates here on Metrolinx News.
Here’s where we need your help: We want to hear what else will make you feel safe aboard GO Transit and UP Express. We have a health and safety kiosk set up in the York Concourse at Union Station where you can access more tools like temperature screening and ultraviolet cellphone sanitizers. We want to make these available at other stations across our network, so will you share your thoughts?
A shared commitment to health and safety.
We can’t do this alone. We need your help.
So, what do you say? Are you in? Will you partner with us to limit the spread of COVID-19 on transit?
The way forward.
Past epidemics and pandemics have changed the ways people live.
We’re using this as an opportunity to focus on what really matters and make transit even more impactful in the communities where we work and play.
Are you ready to tackle the “new normal” together? Can we make it a better normal?